Encountering God During Hardship

Shadow of someone prayingThere are a few things that are certain in this world. Life will get challenging, and we or our loved ones will experience hardship. But the more extraordinary fact is that God is with us through it all, carrying us and loving us. God is everything, and encountering him amid illness, addiction, and hardship can be lifesaving.

About two years ago, we started our Hardship Ministry to send The Word Among Us to men and women recovering from homelessness, illness, and addiction. These brothers and sisters live in assisted living or recovery housing, where they receive care for their physical needs and gain life skills. Though they live in centers that provide food and housing, God asks his people to help nourish them spiritually as well. These brothers and sisters are in desperate need of knowing God’s mercy, love, and how much he cares for them.

Because of donors like you, almost 5,000 people in these challenging circumstances encounter God and receive his comfort in the pages of The Word Among Us. You help them transcend or navigate the difficult times in their lives. Thank you for your support; it is changing lives by bringing these individuals closer to God.

We are heartened by comments like these, which reflect your impact: “I am the executive director of a home for women transitioning out of jail, prison, recovery centers, and homeless centers. We hold morning prayer every morning, where we read the Mass readings and have a reflection with The Word Among Us. Your resource is invaluable to providing a healthy environment where women can live and make the necessary changes for long-term recovery.”

Your Commitment Matters Deeply

A legacy gift is a powerful way to spread God’s message of love to so many. Please contact James F. Mannarino at 301-874-8719, Ext. 2107 or james@wau.org to learn more.